9th February 2016
This year we celebrated Safer Internet Day with a wide variety of activities for ever age group. When RTE heard how busy we were, they sent a news crew from News2Day to meet with our Pupil’s IT Committee and discuss how children can stay safe online and how to handle cyberbullies. You can see this recording here

Throughout the day we held a variety of workshops;
Senior Infant, 1st & 2nd Workshop:
- How to turn on and off PC, laptop, etc
- Clicking on ads?
- If you see something you shouldn’t!
- Using the Internet in the classroom
Internet Safety for 3rd-4th class with parent Emma Vard
Parent Emma Vard who works with Microsoft provided a workshop for 3rd & 4th class on the safe use of the Internet. Emma is very kindly doing this voluntarily as she has done for many years.

Cyberbullying Talk for 5th – 6th class with Garda Pat Cullen & Garda Mandy Lowe
Gardaí Cullen & Lowe presented a Community Garda presentation on Cyberbullying including a question & answer session.

Individual Class Workshops 4th – 6th class
- The Granny Rule: which photos are okay to share?
- When Photos go Viral
- Video: Because I Like it

Super Selfie Awareness Campaign Pupil IT Committee Mon 8th Feb.
While showing support for the #Up2Us campaign in taking a super selfie, the committee have discussed the dangers of showing full facial imagery at a young age. This workshop will experiment with age appropriate selfies and the results will be shared with peers in school and on our school twitter & Facebook account.
Safer Internet Debate St. Patrick’s v Kilmac NS Friday 5th Feb
Both schools battled it out to debate the topic ‘Social networking sites do more good than bad’. St. Patrick’s NS team of Emma, Grace & John were against the motion citing cyberbullying, dangers online & age restrictions as reasons why social networking sites are damaging to young children. As part of their research, the class conducted a survey with 5th & 6th class. As you can see the results are quite surprising!
Parent & Staff Communication
The Pupils IT committee have examined some websites & asked that the Parents Guide to Minecraft http://www.webwise.ie/parents/a-parents-guide-to-minecraft/ be included in our February newsletter.
They also asked that an email containing specific activities (outlined above) be sent to all staff members in advance of Safer Internet Day.
Pupil Communication
The Pupil IT Committee prepared a noticeboard in the Senior corridor communicating
- Rules for staying safe online
- How to deal with cyberbullies – Stop Bock & Tell
- 2015 Social Media Age Limits & Security Settings