Irish Aid is a great programme that helps countries that need more homes, more water, education, food and lots more. It can save people’s lives. They have come up with 17 Global Goals for you to work on and hopefully be achieved by 2030 to improve the lives of people around the world. They are No poverty, No hunger, Good education, Good health, gender equality, Climate action and lots more. Ireland has 9 key partner countries to help- they are Lesotho, Mozambique, Sierra Leon, Tanzania, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia. 5th class have done a project to try and spread the word about The Global Goals and to communicate with other people. We did this by making posters showing what you can do to help, for example: buying fair-trade, saving energy, saving water, recycling and only using what you need. We also have been doing other things to make people aware. We made an art sculpture called ‘The Global Goal Tree for Life’ which we made out of litter. We wrote a song called ‘One World One Future’ and made a music video. We also made a video outlining the Global Goals in our own words. I have been making some leaflets to hand out at school and posters to put up at school. I have learned from the Irish Aid that there are a lot more countries and people than I thought who needs our help, and you need to stop for a moment to think about everything you have and that there are people out there who would be grateful to be us. So please, help us do this and save people’s lives.
By Oonagh McCarthy. 5th Class.