Swimming Policy


  • To enable pupils to acquire basic swimming skills while they are at St. Patrick’s NS.
  • To comply with the requirements of the Revised Curriculum in aquatics.


  • The school has regard to both the physical and mental development of each of its pupils. Believing that a healthy body promotes a healthy mind, the school arranges for a seven week course of swimming instruction in the Loughlinstown swimming pool for pupils 1st to 6th class during the school year.

Procedures Guidelines

  • Each pupil will attend 7 weeks of lessons in a swimming pool annually from Jun. 1st – 6th class.
  • Attendance at this course fulfils the Aquatics Module of the PE Curriculum as laid down by the Department of Education and parents defray the cost of the course and also that of the transport to and from the pool. If a parent is unable to do this, the board will offer to defray the cost for them.
  • All children are encouraged to participate in aquatics lessons as part of the National Curriculum. Should a child be unable to attend aquatics, due to a medical condition, a letter must be written to the Board of Management requesting exemption. Arrangements for supervision in this instance will be made on a case by case basis. Should a child be unable to attend one lesson due to ill health or any other reason, a letter must be given to the principal and he/she will travel with the class to the pool and remain under the supervision of the class teacher.
  • Pupils will be accompanied by and supervised by a class teacher on the way to the pool from the school. Pupils will travel by coach to the pool and the class teacher will provide supervision before and after the swimming lesson.
  • Pupils attending the course at any given time will be from a combination of both a senior and junior class e.g. Sixth and Junior Infants, Fifth & First etc.
  • All children attending the course should wear their tracksuit. (Swimming togs may be worn under tracksuits coming to school). Each child must have a suitable bag to carry his/her swimming gear (Sports bag or similar with secure zip or other fastening).
  • All items brought to the pool must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.       This includes the bag, tracksuit, socks, underwear and shoes.
  • Each child must have their own togs (without pockets), towel, hair brush and swim cap, all of which must also be marked.


Health and Safety

  • Best practice in relation to the supervision, instruction and child protection procedures as outlined by the Irish Sports Council, Swim Ireland and the National Safety Council will be adhered to at all times. Staff will follow the guidelines of our own Health & Safety and Child Protection policies at all times.
  • Pupils are required to behave at all times in a manner that ensures the safety of all involved in school swimming. Pupils must endeavour to obey the instructor’s orders at all times and comply with the School Code of Behaviour.
  • Parents/guardians will receive a standard letter providing information on school swimming before their child starts their swimming term.
  • Teachers of all classes should remain on the viewing deck during the lesson in order to supervise the overall group and pupils who may need to use the toilets during the lesson.
  • The permission from parents to the school to let children go swimming is covered in enrollment form.
  • The pool will be provided with information regarding any child with a Special Educational Need, physical disability or medical diagnosis that may compromise their safety at swimming, eg. Epilepsy.

Monitoring / Evaluation / Review:

Policy is revised annually or at other times if deemed necessary. This policy was last reviewed in September 2024.