There is a long tradition of parental involvement in St Patrick’s N.S. A strong sense of community brings parents and teachers together to provide a fulfilling and supportive learning environment for the children. While fundraising is an essential role of the Parents’ Association, the emphasis is always on the social aspects of the various events to encourage participation from all the families.
Supporting our School
The Parents Association are involved in many aspects of school life including;
- advising the Principal and Board of Management on policy issues and incidents that may require a review of school policy, e.g. Bullying, Safety, Homework, Enrolment, Behaviour problems etc.
- suggesting and/or organising extra-curricular activities.
- supporting the Principal and staff in offering a broad and balanced education to all children
- inviting speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant. .
Together with the teachers, the parents also promote initiatives such as the Healthy Eating Policy. We concentrate on keeping such initiatives fun for the children by holding picnics, smoothie days and international food days.
Supporting our Parents
Another important aspect of the Parents’ Association is our membership of the National Parents’ Council. Through this, we are able to relay information & links to educational talks, such as Internet Safety Awareness.
Like many schools we suffer a shortfall between our Capitation grant and the running costs of the school. The Parents’ Association actively fundraises to assist with this shortfall and to provide additional resources for our pupils.
- The annual Sponsored Walk is a great family occasion which takes place early in the school year, giving everyone the opportunity to catch up after the summer or in the case of new families, the chance to get to know the teachers, other parents and children.
- The Christmas Fair normally takes place on the first Sunday in December and again, the focus is on family and community involvement. There is always great excitement when Santa arrives to open the fair before everyone convenes in the hall to enjoy the home baking, crafts and kiddies’ corner.
- Last year the PA arranged a highly-enjoyable Bingo Night in the Stars of Erin GAA clubhouse locally.
- The annual Easter Cake sale and raffle brings out all of our star bakers.
- A number of small fundraisers including Christmas Cards for School and themed Dress-Up Fridays take place throughout the year, raising vital funds for our school.
All funds raised go towards enhancing the educational experience for the children.
The Parent Association is not a forum for complaint against either an individual teacher or parent. The Complaints Procedure is the mechanism for this. Please see the parent section of the website for an outline of this procedure.
Committee Members
The Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and other Committee Members are elected at the A.G.M. which is held in September each year. All parents are encouraged to attend this meeting.
Chairperson: Cait Maguire
Co-Chair: Annemarie Walsh Dempsey
Secretary: Natalija O’Toole
Treasurer: Linda Fitzachary
PA Committee Member: Jim Fox
PA Committee Member: Wendy Browne
PA Committee Member: Leanne Milligan
PA Committee Member: Claire Horgan
PA Committee Member: Caoimhe Fitzpatrick
PA Committee Member: Anna Kurtz Roe
PA Committee Member: Eleanor Cotter