Policy for Illness & Medication
This policy was reviewed & ratified by the staff and Board of Management in November 2016.
We understand that illness is unavoidable and when children are too poorly to attend school, parents/carers should send a note explaining the child’s absence on return to school. Parents should contact the school if your child has an infectious or contagious illness so that other families, especially pregnant women, can be informed.
Returning from illness
On return to school from illness, please be aware that children cannot stay indoors from the yard due to insufficient numbers of personnel. Exceptions are made for pupils with broken bones or returning from an extended period in hospital. However pupils with coughs, colds, etc. should only return to school when they are well enough for all aspects of school life.
Illness in school
When a child is ill in school, a parent will be contacted if the child has a high temperature, is vomiting or is continually complaining of feeling unwell. A parent will also be contacted if a child suffers a serious injury involving their head, teeth or a possible broken bone. Cuts & grazes will be dealt with in First Aid.
Allergy or Conditions needing Medical treatment
If your child suffers from any ongoing condition or allergy which the school should know about, please inform the Principal in writing.
If your child has a serious medical condition or disability that prevents them from taking part in any aspect of the curriculum (including swimming, PE, Irish, etc), you are required to write to the BOM for an exemption, outlining your reasons & providing a medical certificate/ psychological report/ specific circular or other documentation.
If your child requires Medication
If your child requires medication, you are required to write to the BOM and must sign a Disclaimer Form indemnifying the school from any responsibility.
You must adhere to the following:
- Any medication including cough sweets, inhalers & cough bottles must be labelled & given to the class teacher to be placed in the Medication Box which is kept in the Office.
- Any child taking medication will be supervised doing so.
- There will be a record kept of the time the child took the medication.
- A child who is unable to administer his/her own medication should have the medication administered by a parent.
Ratified by :___________________________ Date:______________________
Chairperson of the Board of Management
Administration of Medicines/Monitoring of Medical Condition
Indemnity Form
Child’s Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________________________________________
Emergency Contacts
1) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
2) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
3) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
4) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
Child’s Doctor: ____________________________ Phone: ________________
Diagnosed Condition: ___________________________________________________
Prescription Details:
Is the child to be responsible for taking the prescription him/herself?
Description of Medical Condition:
What Action is required
I/We request that the Board of Management authorise the taking of Prescription Medicine during the school day as it is absolutely necessary for the continued well being of my/our child. I/We understand that the school has no facilities for the safe storage of prescription medicines and that the prescribed amounts be brought in daily. I/We understand that we must inform the school/Teacher of any changes of medicine/dose in writing and that we must inform the Teacher each year of the prescription/medical condition. I/We understand that no school personnel have any medical training and we indemnify the Board from any liability that may arise from the administration of the medication.
Signed ________________________ Parent/Guardian
________________________ Parent/Guardian
Date ________________________
Administration of Auto-injectors/Anapens / Epi-pens
Indemnity Form
Child’s Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________________________________________
Emergency Contacts
1) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
2) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
3) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
4) Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________
Child’s Doctor: ____________________________ Phone: ________________
Diagnosed Condition: ___________________________________________________
Prescription Details:
Description of Medical Condition & Symptoms:
What Action is required
I/We agree to the procedures and protocols outlined in our child’s personal Emergency Health Care Plan. We have consulted with our GP/Consultant on this Care plan and are satisfied that the school is meeting our child’s care needs.
I/We request that the Board of Management authorise the administration of a prescribed auto-injector/epi-pen during the school day as it is absolutely necessary for the continued well being of my/our child. I/We understand that the school has no facilities for the safe storage of prescription medicines and that the auto-injector be brought in daily. I/We understand that we must inform the school/Teacher of any changes of medicine/dose in writing and that we must inform the school/Teacher each year of the prescription/medical condition. I/We understand that no school personnel have any medical training and we indemnify the Board from any liability that may arise from the administration of this medication.
Signed ________________________ Parent/Guardian
________________________ Parent/Guardian
Date ________________________