Internet Safety 2016 – Debate & Results

Social Networking Sites Do More Good than Bad

St. Patrick’s N.S. v Kilmac N. S debate

Following our survey of 5th & 6th class, we found out;


86% of pupils have lied about their age to access social networking site

62% of pupils have followed or friended someone they didn’t know

53% of pupils have let someone they didn’t know follow or friend them

76% of pupils agreed they had revealed personal information on their profiles

62% of pupils believe they more about social networking than their parents

20% of parents know their child’s password to access their social networking sites

62% of parents aren’t aware of everything pupils put up on social networking sites.

52% of pupils were sad or upset after reading something on a social networking site

76% of pupils know someone who was sad or upset after reading something on a social networking site


This survey was carried out on 4th February 2016 by 6th class

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