Can You Help?

Yes You can!

With the economic down turn we are looking for ways to help our school to become more cost effective. To do this, we need your help!

The information below examines some strategies and methods for reducing costs in our school. It also offers opportunities for you to become more involved with your school community. I have discussed this with your Parent’s Association and I have their full support in delivering this. Please submit any further ideas to the Office or email

1.     Maintenance

As many of you know, we have only a part time caretaker and one cleaner for the entire school building and grounds. Therefore, there are many small jobs etc. that are in need of completion. We currently have a small maintenance committee of parents who are skilled and available to complete small jobs such as putting up hooks, mending broken equipment etc. These people may be available either during school hours or at weekends and would save on paying ‘Handy Men’ to fix small problems. If you are an electrician, plumber, builder, handy man, etc. and are free to assist us, please fill in the form below and return to the Office.

2.     Cleaning

We have a cleaning committee who come in once a term to spring clean the entire school, thus saving on contract cleaners. This includes window cleaning, table cleaning etc. This committee usually meets in the evening time, once a term.

3.     Gardening

We have an active gardening committee who manage the weeding and turn the soil, especially in the children’s plots in the School Garden. They may also devise strategies for collection of leaves in Autumn and recycling waste on the grounds.

4.     IT committee

We have a strong IT committee who work hard to deal with all our many IT needs. We are always looking for further expertise in any area including hardware, software, tutoring, tech support, maintenance, web design, etc.

5.     Examining Policy Proposals

Throughout the year we review or introduce various policies depending on the schools needs.  It is important for parents to offer their particular perspective on certain policies when at the draft stage. If you would be willing to read, analyse and discuss a policy, please write your name below.

6.     Snow Volunteers

We are always looking to update our list of volunteers who can assist us in shovelling and removing snow either early morning or late evening in the Winter months. If you are free for 30mins on these days please fill in the form below.

7.     List of local businesses

We try to create a list of local businesses that parents are involved in. We could thus contact these businesses when looking for a quote for a particular item or job therefore supporting local business development. Parents may also be in a position to negotiate a discount or deal for us. Please submit your business details to the Office to be added to the list or email

8.     Skills & Talents

I know many of our parents have many skills & talents. One of our parents currently trains the School Choir while a number of artistic & creative parents assist on Art & Baking days. We are always looking for additional talents that we can call upon for expert advice in curricular planning or providing resources for our children. Such people may include musicians, singers, artists, actors, dramatists, scientists, engineers, geologists, historians, mathematicians, gaeilgoirs, authors, librarians, poets, sports men/women  to name but a few. Thematic events such as Seachtain na Gaeilge, World Book Day, My Job Day and Sports Day etc would all be enriched by the talents and skills of particular parents. Therefore if you have a talent or skill we could call upon please include your name, contact details and talent below.

9.     Any more ideas?

If you have any further ideas how parents can support our school in a non financial manner, please send your suggestions to

Kathleen Byrne (Principal)