6th Class Autumn News

We started back in 6th class on the 1st of September, Wednesday, and have been very busy since! Starting back to a year where no major Covid-19 restrictions in place made starting our last year feel twice as good. During September, we started off on “Mé Féin” in our Gaelige. We learned how to say things about ourselves as Gaelige like, “my name is…”, “I live in….”, and “I am a …… type of person”. We even made fortune tellers as Gaelige and put in Irish colours and numbers and put Irish questions in the inside! For our English lessons, we learned about recount writing and we came up with recount pieces. After we wrote them down in our copies, we grouped into pairs and recorded interviews over our learning tool, seesaw. Cut!


6th class have covered so many topics in maths already! We do a topic per week most of the time, so I don’t know how long it will take to finish the book! We might be finished early! Yippppppeeeeeee! So far, we started off with looking back on what we did last year. This was followed by place value, addition, subtraction, data, multiplication up to division which is what we are doing now. Some topics we did in our books and copies but for others we also included different activities such as when we did our data, we drew up graphs from different classes based on our surveys and did a project on them.


Aside from our core subjects, 6th class began working on the rainforest. In science, we learned about condensation, which is when the sun shines on water causing steam to evaporate and stick to a surface above it and form little water droplets. This can be used for purifying water. As well as building our own water purifiers, we made rainforest art using chalk pastels and black paper. Everyone drew an animal and hung it up on our drawing board. To design it we cut paper leaves, plants and butterflies. This was not the only art we did for that month. We did lots of other creations which included our favourite Roald Dahl book for Roald Dahl Day and our own dot from the book “Dot” for positivity day.


Our year has started of with lots of fun and I hope we will get to do more fun thing for the coming year!


By Sarah O’Flynn

6th class St. Patricks NS

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