Story Time – Mr Stink
For story time in 2nd class we have been listening to the audio of Mr stink by David Walliams. The children are enjoying this humorous story to wind down the school day most days before going home. We integrated Mr Stink into art and literacy hour too. The children created A3 drawings of what they think Mr stink looks like. We also did some short summaries of the chapters with pictures and writing using the book creator app on the ipads.
Autumn Art
To tie in with out Autumn theme the children created some autumn art using lots of warm autumn colours. They used their hands as the tree trunk and lots of lovely colours for the leaves. We also did some leaf printing using autumn colours.
The children discussed the term Hibernation the animals associated with hibernating. We then created some hedgehogs using paper plates, card and paper. The children really enjoyed this activity.
Science – The science of trees
2nd class have been studying trees for a number of weeks as part of our weekly science lessons. We studied the parts of the tree and discovered all the different types of trees found in Ireland. We decided to experiment in the school garden to see how many different types of leaves we could find. The children worked very well doing this in pairs. We did some tree bar rubbing too during the fine weather.
Henri – Mattisse – Art
We studied the artist Henri-Matisse and modelled an art lesson on his colourful collages. The children were given a free reign to be as creative as they could with bright colours and shapes
History – Family Trees-Artefacts
The children learned all about family trees and the diversity of all families. We decided to layout our very own family trees and make them personal to ourselves. The children have been learning all out themselves in the past and the stages of growing. This week they are working as historians to find some old artefacts from when they were younger to bring in for show and tell
Procedural Writing
We try to keep on top of our writing each week with our news and other recount ideas. This week we began a new type of writing called procedural writing. The children are becoming familiar with the layout of procedures and enjoyed our whole class procedural writing task “How to bake a cake”.