Tidy Schools 2017 By Nathan O’ Hanlon

We have been very busy getting ready for our tidy schools competition this year. We have done a big clean up on our garden with Denis and Ms. Skelly and the beds are ready for planting.

We love our new recycled tyre flower beds. Thank you so much to Betty and Michael.

3rd class have been very busy keeping our yard clean after the big break. 4th class have volunteered to check for litter in the mornings as well because we noticed that litter is blowing in from the car park and the main road. We have also noticed that there is a problem with blue tack on the ground in the courtyard. We are going to remind teachers and children to be very careful and to not bring blue tack out to the yard and we’re going to get Denis to help remove the blue tack from the ground.


Our Trail Camera: We  discovered a badger’s sett behind our school building and we put up a trail camera to see if we could get a closer look at  badgers in their environment. We did get photos of a blue tit, Jackdaw and a magpie! We observed the trail paths created by the badger but no photo of one yet .

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