November Already!
After the long Hallowe’en break, we came back to school full of excitement from the fun we have had over the holidays. People went trick or treating, had fun with their friends and played spooky Hallowe’en games. We were all very tired as well!
To start of with, we started on a new topic in English. This topic was called report writing and this type of writing is very similar to recount writing, aside from some small differences. Report writing is when you are giving a factual-based report on a topic of your choice. Report writing is mostly based in the present tense, unlike recount writing, and has completely no facts based on your perspective. This type of writing is used in textbooks, newspapers and factual websites, i.e. Wikipedia or Google.
In Maths we are learning about 2D shapes and lines and angles. This also ties in with learning how to construct a triangle. 2D shapes in 6th class are much different to your average 2D shape in 5th class. Aside from that we also began to work on angles. We even did a whole section on drawing certain angle. 6th class all agreed that it was actually quite relaxing just drawing angles with our protractors.
Our Science Fair for Science week was a hit with the younger classes. Everyone in 5th and 6th class made a group project and demonstrated it to other children. There were rockets, s’mores, wormeries, cabbage dying, butter making, lava lamps and much, much more. Goggles on!
Every month, St. Patrick’s holds a “Friday Funday!” for the last Friday of the month. The idea of Friday Funday is to wear clothing based on the set theme and bring in €2 or more. Some themes we did last year were Jersey Day, Favourite Colour Day, Christmas Jumper Day, Silly Sock Day and Fun Hair Day. This year, our first Fun Friday took place on Friday the 26th of November, the last Friday of November and the Late, Late Toy Show! 6th class wore their pyjamas and cosy clothes into school for Cosy Day while watching a movie and eating sweets. We had so much fun and we raised €252.45 for our new charity My Companion.
In History, we learned about the Industrial Revolution and the affect that it had on people. Pollution increases and slave labour was very common, especially with children. As the rich moved out of the city, poor people moved into the tiny tenements with unsanitary conditions. We learned about Kitty Wilkinson, who lived in Liverpool and helped many in need. These were very harsh conditions and we learned to be very thankful for what we have now.
St. Patrick’s have also brought back…. school swimming! 6thclass have paired up with 4th class and we have been swimming in Meadowbrook Pool. The instructors there have been teaching us front crawl, back stroke, breast stroke, dolphin and diving. By the end of our term we will be able to swim in several different strokes and dive well!
November has been a very exciting month for 6th class and we hope to have some Christmas fun for the next month!