At St. Patrick’s NS we are continuously reviewing and evaluating our educational practice. This year, we examined homework in our school and we welcomed the views of parents, staff and students on our homework practice. A survey was emailed to all parents in February while pupils from 3rd to 6th class completed a questionnaire. We have included the graphed data here on our website for parents to view.
Graph results: Feedback from Students – 3rd – 6th Class
Graph results: Feedback from Parents – All years
Following from our analysis of this data, we are now undertaking a 5 week pilot programme for homework whereby pupils will have structured homework 3 days a week and on the fourth day parents & pupils together can choose from a list of activities recommended by all stakeholders. These activities are to facilitate incorporation of family time and to assist families with multiple siblings.It also allows parents & pupils together to decide how to structure their own learning at home in a individualised, differentiated manner.
At the end of the 5 weeks, each child returns the list signed by both parent and pupil. They can tick the activities they have completed over the 5 weeks. We will then seek feedback from pupils, parents & staff on the success of the pilot programme.
We look forward to hearing how this innovative project goes for families at home.