Monday 29th September was an historic day as we completed the last phase of our building and opened 3 new classrooms to our pupils. Our current school building originally opened in 1947 with just 2 small classrooms, this was followed by a 5 classroom extension in 2005. Our vision of one classroom for every class has been realised.

The beginning Good foundations Building wip Class work!

Classrooms are ready Dad's at work

We marked the special event by inviting the oldest and the youngest members of the school to cut the ribbon.

Great job Youngest to oldest Ms Byrne Abbi cutting the ribbon


The whole school The first day in the new classrooms

Later that day everyone then enjoyed ice-cream in the school yard.

yum 5th class enjoying ice cream 4th class girls loving the ice cream Thumbs up Delicious ice cream school at play

However….4th & 5th Class definitely made the most of their sojourn in the school hall….

“….The great thing about having the hall as a classroom was being able to bake! We had great fun making shortbread…”



4th and 5th Class have also been busy harvesting the garden potatoes…

4th/5th Class Harvesting Potatoes 4th/5th Class Peeling the Potatoes 4th/5th Class Mashing the Potatoes 4th/5th Class Sharing Potatoes

Find out Why are there tomatoes on our potato plants?