1st Class and 2nd Class had a very active school tour in UCD; they took part in lots of activities and learnt many new skills. In years to come our young adventurers may be leading expeditions, recalling all the skills they first learnt in UCD.

2ndClassTour_ZorbBalls 2ndClassTour 2ndClassTour_Climbing 2ndClassTour_TheGirls 2ndClassTour_GroupPose

1stClass_Tour_UCD_Group 1stClass_Tour_UCD_Boxing 1stClass_Tour_UCD.Preparation 1stClass_Tour_UCD.Jumping 1stClass_Tour_UCD_TheWall 1stClass_Tour_UCD_Fun 1stClass_Tour_UCD_Climbing 1stClass_Tour_UCD 1stClass_Tour_UCD_Rules