Irish Aid Award – Update

Congratulations to 5th class who have once again reached the National finals of the Irish Aid Awards 2016. We have been shortlisted to 12 schools across Ireland and the whole class will go along to the Award ceremony. This will take place on Tuesday 14th  June in Dublin Castle where the Minister for Foreign Affairs along with other dignitaries will view our project ‘Spread the Word and Take Action’ before the award ceremony.  We wish our boys and girls the very best of luck and congratulate them on such a wonderful achievement!
As well as this wonderful achievement, our school  has won the School of Development Distinction by Irish Aid in recognition of our commitment to Development Education & repeated success in the Our World Irish Aid Awards. We proudly accept this award and will continue to act as Global Citizens in the future.
Here is the the link for the RTE interview with the Irish Aid winners. 
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