Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please have a look the attached letter which is quite self-explanatory.  Given the significant nature in reduction of HSE dental services for children in St. Patrick’s NS, Glencullen, I hope that you will join with us in our lobby to have these necessary services restored as
much as possible.

We are asking all families in the school to at very least sign and post the letter to Ms. Queally, but where your resources allow we would also love if you could also forward a copy of the letter to Mr. O’Dwyer (his address is indicated at the bottom of the letter), and also to your local TDs.  Additional copies of the letter can be obtained from the school office, or you may find it easier to just print a copy of the letter here Dental letter and send it to your local TD.

While any response is pending from the HSE on this issue, the staff at the Balally HSE Dental Clinic have asked that we ensure that parents know that there is an Emergency Dental Service provided by the HSE clinic in Balally.

Children in need of this service should ensure they are PRESENT AT 9.00am in the HSE
clinic Mon-Fri to request such treatment.

The staff there also asked me to stress that the Emergency Dental clinic cannot be used
for cases of ‘routine treatment’, but if a parent has a specific worry or incident, they should feel free to phone the clinic beforehand to enquire (tel 01-2924500).